The increased risk applies to irritable bowel syndrome, acute pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, and several other conditions, per a new study.
It depends on the kind of pain as well as the type of antidepressant, suggests new study.
These programs often aren’t straightforward but can multiply the cost of your drugs — particularly for patients with autoimmune diseases.
Here’s what you need to know when the at-home combination test becomes available, including tips for getting accurate results.
COVID-19 Patient Support Program finds that after patients took action, care and patient confidence improved.
“I have this ache inside me for nothingness. I want oblivion. Pain makes me yearn for it. Do not misunderstand me, I do not mean death and I do not mean suicide. I mean quiet darkness. The absence of pain.”
Remember, the best prevention method is to avoid getting sick (or reinfected) in the first place.
“I needed to learn to be transparent about how I felt and what was really going on with me. I had to know when to sit down but also find the strength to keep thriving.”
In the vast majority of cases, Paxlovid is safe and effective to use (and increasingly important for the immunocompromised).
New research suggests up to one in 10 people with inflammatory bowel disease also have rheumatic disease, including ankylosing spondylitis.
If you’re in an underrepresented group or have an “invisible” illness, you may be particularly prone to medical gaslighting.
"If I’ve learned anything about the chronic illness community (and myself) since my initial onset of symptoms and diagnosis years ago, it’s this: We are strong, we are creative, and we are resilient."
A new report examines market trends and explains why most patients won't reap the financial benefits of biosimilars in the near future.
You may notice changes such as higher costs of testing and treatments, while some policies will remain the same.
Researchers examine yet another negative health consequence of discrimination: increased inflammation and a higher risk for inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
The Global Healthy Living Foundation will be following tools like ChatGPT and Bard closely to determine how this technology can best help our patient community.
Experts are striving to simplify the COVID-19 vaccination approach, aimed at ensuring all future COVID-19 vaccines are interchangeable and potentially offering the convenience of an annual shot.
Tien Sydnor-Campbell uses her book and background in psychotherapy and bodywork to help inspire others with chronic illness to accept their pain and advocate for better care.
Christele Felix doesn’t apologize for having lupus. She doesn’t run from it either. Instead, she rises to the challenge each day and inspires others through her advocacy work with LupusChat.
The plan outlines a list of COVID prevention measures that you're likely already taking if you're high-risk for severe COVID — and you should share them with your loved ones, too.
Raven Miller, a single mom and creator of Raven Takes RA, shares her journey with rheumatoid arthritis, and how she finally reached a place of balance, optimism, and strength.
Saying no isn’t always easy, but with practice, it can become a habit.
"It’s not going perfectly, but if I deviate from my health plan, I know tomorrow is a new day and I’ll feel better when I get back on track."
Even if you’ve been infected with COVID already, you should still take every measure to protect yourself. Here's why.
"I dream of a world where disability is ‘normal’ and celebrated," says youth disability advocate Derek Schmitz. "I want to help make that dream a reality. It's why I work so hard and advocate as fervently as I do — and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon."
Plus, tips for using them correctly for accurate results.
Exercising with chronic illness isn't easy. Five people with inflammatory arthritis share how they've made exercise work for them.
Sadly, flares and RA go hand and hand but asking yourself these key questions can help you determine if self-care can help, or if it’s time to strategize with your rheumatologist to feel better.
Try these tips for keeping your immune system strong and staying protected during the "tripledemic."
Lupus can increase your risk of osteoporosis. Here’s why — and how to protect your bones and overall health
Feel like your energy is being drained right now? A few steps can help you get back in the grove after the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
Don’t panic and don’t be hard on yourself — but do follow these four steps to protect yourself.
For about 40 percent of people with rheumatoid arthritis, non-joint symptoms can range from bothersome to markers of serious illness. Fortunately, they can be managed — as long as you recognize them and speak up.
Diabetes can affect your bone health and increase your risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Here’s how to protect your bones and manage your blood sugar.
Taking time to think about what keeps you happy and healthy (and what causes pain and fatigue) can help bring you more joy this holiday season. Make a list — and check it twice.
For people with chronic illness, imposter syndrome leaves them with the illusion that their symptoms are “in their head.”
Your underlying condition may have already been robbing you of sleep — add the effects of long COVID, and protecting your slumber may become more crucial than ever.
Planning and cooking an extravagant menu when you have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or another chronic illness, can be stressful. To the rescue: A few tips to ease the burden of holiday meals.
It may not seem like it on the surface, but these two conditions have a lot in common. Get the facts to protect your heart and your bones.
“Disability can really bring out our creativity, and the holidays provide the opportunity to figure out new ways we can do some of our favorite things.”
This steroid alternative may be a useful treatment for some patients with gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and other autoimmune disorders.
When it comes to celebrating this holiday season, setting boundaries is a must for people living with chronic disease.
Mourning the loss of a loved one is especially painful during the holiday season. We talked to CreakyJoints community members and Laurie Ferguson, PhD, for advice on managing the emotional and physical toll of grief.
There’s a flood of long COVID research emerging, but there are still challenges ahead in determining causes and treatments for the condition.
The Global Healthy Living Foundation’s latest COVID-19 Patient Support Program poll reveals that for the 65 percent who have had COVID, 44 percent have been diagnosed with long COVID.
Asthma itself and the medications often prescribed to treat it can increase your risk of developing osteoporosis — but fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect your bone health.
Ten years of self-injections have made me despise my weekly methotrexate injection — here’s how I’m coping.
Cancer itself — and its treatments — can increase your risk of this common bone condition. Here’s why, and how to protect your bone health.
As these monoclonal antibodies become less powerful in preventing COVID-19, other measures like getting the new bivalent vaccine booster are even more crucial for immunocompromised patients.
If you have inflammatory bowel disease, bone health may not cross your mind — but IBD has been linked with osteoporosis. Here’s why, and how to protect your bones.
“It’s safe to say that life has thrown a lot of shit at all of us these last three years — and it has had a profound impact on my physical and emotional health and habits.”
If you live with arthritis, getting dressed for cold weather can be tricky. Here are a few tips to make it easier on your body.
Whether you are looking for seasonal recipes or inspiration for the upcoming holidays, we hope you enjoy these delectable fall recipes.
"Doing contract work at home allows me to move at my own pace and it gives my joints the time they need to get going...I stay busy but self-care is prioritized over work."
If you have osteoarthritis, here’s what you need to know to protect your joints and your bone health. Read more.
From virtual reality to precise blood work, patients are discovering more ways than ever to manage their disease.
Two new studies explore the unique health journeys, perspectives, and needs of Spanish-speaking patients with RA.
Getting a diagnosis of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis brought feelings of relief and disbelief for patient and researcher Dr. Shilpa Venkatachalam.
Patient advocate Wigna Cruz shares her experience participating in an advisory board for Spanish-speaking patients with RA — and how it evolved into a flourishing support group.
How rheumatoid arthritis patient Vanessa Kerr overcame the challenges of limited access to care in a rural area.
For patient advocate Ashley Krivohlavek, collaborating in her health journey has led to fewer symptoms and greater quality of life.
Patient advocate Stephanie Aleite explores how calculating an event’s value could help people living with chronic illness prioritize how they expend energy and improve their social support and well-being.
For patient advocates Zoe Rothblatt and Cheryl Crow, social media has become a dynamic platform for social support, validation, and empowerment in their chronic illness care.
New study shines light on the need to address cardiovascular disease in people living with rheumatoid arthritis.
Two new studies provide important insights and key topics for research on vaccination in people who are receiving (or choose not to receive) vaccinations.
“My diagnosis of RA came with significant loss. Several years later, I can proudly say I have gained more than I lost. I am a better person because of the things that RA took away.”
Mental health and osteoporosis have a two-way relationship. Here’s what you need to know to protect your bones and overall well-being.
This year brings with it new preventive options, but also new challenges, for the immunocompromised looking to mitigate their risk.
In the Global Healthy Living Foundation’s latest COVID-19 Patient Support Program poll, the majority said they will celebrate in person with close family and/or friends who are vaccinated, boosted, and tested negative.
If you experience migraine, bone health may not be top-of-mind, but these types of headaches may be linked to osteoporosis.
Chronic disease and depression often go hand in hand. To the rescue: Real-life tips on how to manage both.
"Finding that balance between too much and too little is a true artform that takes years to learn with rheumatoid arthritis."
If you have arthritis, it’s important to take steps to keep joints healthy. But here’s why you should prioritize bone health, too.
Long COVID has been called the next public health disaster in the making — it’s common, disabling, and comes at high personal and societal costs.
Whether in the beginning, middle, or end, the school year can be exhausting for parents with chronic illness. Try these tips to help you save energy and stress.
Mental health mainstays like walking outside aren't an option if you're bed- or housebound — but these creative alternatives can help.
Despite previous research showing lower antibody levels after vaccination in immunosuppressive individuals, the COVID-19 vaccines still appear to be highly effective at keeping this community of patients out of the hospital.
We asked rheumatologists what they want their patients to know on World Arthritis Day (and every day) and here is what they had to say.
New study finds that patients can likely switch between biosimilars of the same original biologic without any adverse effects or changes in how well their treatment works.
New research shows that your susceptibility to long COVID may be at least partly based on how healthy your mind is.
In the Global Healthy Living Foundation’s latest COVID-19 Patient Support Program poll, 94 percent reported they have gotten (or plan to get) their flu shot this fall/winter season.
Looking for a way to remind yourself about daily goals, self-care, and overall good mental well-being? Here's how a game-like app can help.
Rheumatoid arthritis patient and family nurse practitioner Stefanie Remson shares how she’s managed the feelings of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and inadequacy that came with her diagnosis.
“No matter how strong I think I might be, or no matter how tough or stoic, the relentless grinding and repetition of this waiting cycle wears on me as a patient. It used to dig into me until I began to bring sensory items with me to help me cope.”
Here’s what you need to know about getting the latest COVID-19 booster and flu shot this fall.
In honor of World Heart Day, JP Summers, Patient Advocate, Community Outreach Manager at the Global Healthy Living Foundation, shares her experience with heart failure — and what lessons you can take away too.
“Trying to give a number to my pain makes me feel like I’m minimizing the experience of what pain really means in my daily life.”
Here’s what our patient community shared about the challenges surrounding accessing consistent and quality treatments for chronic health conditions.
New report finds New York is the best place to live for people with rheumatic disease; Wyoming is the worst.
Patient advocate Shelley Fritz shares her infusion day diary, including what she does before, during, and after each infusion and what lessons she's learned over the past decade.
“Having RA has given me an opportunity to be kinder to myself, love myself unconditionally, and to help so many more people in the RA community find this place of peace."
Here's how patient advocate Zoe Rothblatt and the chronic illness community feel social media has helped their health, and what a recent article got wrong about people who post about their disease.
Board-certified rheumatologist and internist Samantha Shapiro, MD, clears up common misconceptions about treating and managing rheumatic disease.
New updated COVID-19 boosters are now available. Here’s what you need to know if you’re immunocompromised.
Psoriasis and eczema share some symptoms, so getting a proper diagnosis is key to treating and managing both conditions.
Fighting afternoon fatigue may be even more challenging for people with chronic illness. Try these real-life, research-backed solutions to feel more energized and balanced throughout your day.
Studies find TB vaccine might help in the fight against COVID, however more research is needed and getting a COVID vaccine is still a must.
It’s not unusual to have both conditions. Here’s why and what you can do to make it easier to manage migraine and RA.
Our latest COVID-19 Patient Support Program poll reveals that 70 percent report feeling unsafe due to new, less restrictive COVID guidelines.
Here’s what to know about this phenomenon that can result in a positive COVID-19 test, even after treatment.