The latest health headlines to help you stay informed, take control of your care, and advocate for better health.
The latest health headlines to help you stay informed, take control of your care, and advocate for better health.
Is your TNFi treatment working? New research suggests the importance of partnering with your doctor and checking progress at six months.
The latest health headlines to help you stay informed, take control of your care, and advocate for better health.
The latest health headlines to help you stay informed, take control of your care, and advocate for better health.
How putting mindfulness exercises into practice may help you decrease stress and depression and improve your overall well-being with chronic illness.
Learn the truth so you can better understand the goals of clinical trials and how they lead to better patient care.
Researchers set out to determine whether telephone-delivered talk therapy and exercise could have a significant impact on people with inflammatory rheumatic diseases.
A new study from ArthritisPower shows that patients are very engaged when it comes to using a smartwatch along with short surveys to better understand rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.
Many axial spondyloarthritis patients are talking with their providers about their treatment plan — and wanting to prevent long-term damage is a major factor in how they think about it.
Only about one-third of RA patients in high disease activity were offered a treatment change at their rheumatologist visit, according to a recent study in the ArthritisPower research registry.
Fatigue is one of the most invisible and misunderstood parts of managing arthritis.
Traveling can be a lot harder when you have chronic pain, fatigue, and a boatload of medication. Here’s what can help.
We know it’s hard for others without arthritis to ‘get it.’ Here’s what can help.
We know getting quality, restorative sleep is hard when you have chronic pain from arthritis. Here’s what a rheumatologist says you can do about it.
Many arthritis patients use diet changes to help manage their symptoms. Here’s what to know before you do too.
Think you shouldn’t exercise because it could make your arthritis symptoms worse? Most of the time, that’s just not the case.
There’s so much misunderstanding and confusion about vaccines, especially if you’re immune-compromised because of inflammatory arthritis. But this statistic is encouraging.
Arthritis and depression commonly occur together, but a critical conversation about mental health isn’t happening at doctor visits.
Everyone’s been in situations where complaining falls on deaf ears or seems to make you feel worse. But venting about pain the right way can make all the difference.
If you’ve had a heart attack or a stroke, or if you have diabetes or other heart disease risk factors, chances are pretty good that your doctor has prescribed a low (100 milligram) daily dose of aspirin to lower your...
Does having a chronic disease make you feel dependent on others? That’s the question we posed in our June 2018 monthly poll to participants in ArthritisPower®, our patient-centered research registry for joint, bone, and inflammatory skin conditions. Of the 1,017...
Check out these eye-opening research findings.
People with gout, a type of inflammatory arthritis, are also at a higher risk to require knee or hip replacement down the road. That’s the case both before and following gout diagnosis, according to a population-based study published in the...
It’s known that children are more contagious than adults and that obesity plays a role in flu severity. New research, published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases, indicates obesity is also a factor in the length of time that flu...
In a recent study conducted by our research team, we were surprised to find that only one-third of people with high disease activity were offered adjustments to their treatment.
Many RA patients who take MTX want to know if they can help their fatigue by stopping the medication. To find out, we conducted a study involving 1,082 RA patients.
“Now that we have uncovered this connection, we hope that it opens a door for treatment options for people living with either disease.” - Dr. Firestein
A support group is a group of people with common concerns or experiences who provide advice, comfort and encouragement to one other. When it comes to health concerns, support groups are organized to assist people living with a chronic condition...
Poring over data from more than 123,000 people in two different studies, Harvard researchers identified five lifestyle practices — not smoking, maintaining a low body mass index (BMI), exercising regularly, drinking alcohol in moderation, and eating well — that can...
Summing up a talk about the placebo effect in osteoarthritis by renowned rheumatologist Joel Block, of Rush University, at an American College of Rheumatology symposium in Chicago, John Gever, managing editor of MedPage Today, paraphrased: “So what?” “The placebo effect...
Lupus afflicts women nine times as often as it does men. Researchers ask why.
A chronic condition often means a lifelong process of finding what works best. Searching for information led me to ArthritisPower.
Studies will be skewed if they examine the effects of biologics without accounting for the demographics of which patients are prescribed which medications, according to new research from Swedish scholars.
Diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, Jennifer Walker shares what compelled her to be a patient advocate and a Patient Governor for ArthritisPower.
We surveyed 250 people and found that 59% of women with inflammatory arthritis had fewer children than they desired. Read more about the study.
Study finds that most RA, PsA, and AS patients can switch from infliximab (Remicade) to biosimilar CT-P13 without losing safety or effectiveness.
Over 11,500 patients have enrolled in ArthritisPower, our patient-led, patient-centered research registry for joint, bone, and inflammatory skin conditions.
Arthritis patients with resolved hepatitis B infection, who received disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such as methotrexate, were unlikely to have the hepatitis B resurface. That’s one of the findings of a meta-analysis of 25 studies. “Patients who have hepatitis B...
Ivan Oransky has a recommendation for readers tempted to click on the latest headline about chocolate, alcohol, or coffee curing every disease under the sun: just don’t read it. “I guess if you live in France, fantastic,” says Dr. Oransky,...
The CreakyJoints research team is proud to announce we’ve hit an important milestone: Our ArthritisPower community has donated over 50,000 patient reported outcomes to research! Thank you to the 9,000+ ArthritisPower users for equipping our research team with valuable data, so they can...
Researchers at University of California have created and are testing artificial tissue, which appears to be up to six times as strong as natural cartilage. They’ve successfully tested it in mice, rabbits, miniature pigs, and sheep, and the next steps...
A new phase III study finds that abatacept (Orencia) — a medication that disrupts T-cell activity in order to reduce inflammation, which tends to be prescribed after methotrexate fails to work — had a positive impact on patients with psoriatic...
Focused ultrasound (FUS) operates by an analogous principle to “using a magnifying glass to focus beams of sunlight on a single point to burn a hole in a leaf,” notes the Focused Ultrasound Foundation. “With focused ultrasound, an acoustic lens...
An estimated one-third of rheumatoid arthritis patients don’t experience long-lasting benefits from the first tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor that they take. The question when the first biologic doesn’t work is: What next? Rheumatologists used to be fairly evenly divided...
“Arthritis is the price for our ancestors surviving the Ice Age, say scientists,” reads a Telegraph headline. Newsweek adds, “Human evolution: Africa exodus made homo sapiens shorter and gave them arthritis.” Both articles respond to research published recently in Nature...
Some headlines were sensational. “If your big toe looks like this you’re 31% more likely to have a penis issue,” noted the Daily Star (UK). Men’s Health added, “How Your Big Toe Can Signal Problems With Your Erection.” MedPage, as...
While previous studies have shown positive results for mindfulness-based stress reduction or MBSR (including meditation, body awareness and yoga) in patients with chronic pain conditions, a new meta-analysis found little benefit for people with chronic low-back pain. Specifically, the study...
“By some magic of genetics and environment, the keys rose to meet my fingers and music came,” writes Andrea Avery, who displayed much promise as a pianist growing up, in a harrowing essay which the Washington Post excerpted from her...
Many people I speak with have wondered why it took so long to get a diagnosis for their rheumatologic condition. And then, once diagnosed, some who try to participate in research into the condition may be surprised to discover they...