In uncontrolled gout, the infused treatment pegloticase is more tolerable and effective if methotrexate is given before and during treatment, new research shows.
In a new study, hardly anyone who had nr-axSpA at baseline developed spinal damage within two years.
Sometimes hydroxychloroquine is used off-label to treat erosive osteoarthritis, but more research suggests it is not helpful.
No one knows exactly why one person with RA might develops ILD yet another doesn't, but this new study is shedding some light on what RA patients with interstitial lung disease have in common.
Having more rheumatology patients see nurse practitioners as part of their medical team could help increase access to care and decrease wait times.
While merely having RA can raise the risk of blood clots, studies have also suggested that RA patients with active disease are far more apt to experience blood clots compared to those whose disease is in remission.
When arthritis and disability patient advocates Laurie Proulx of the Canadian Arthritis Patient Alliance, Simon Stone, and CreakyJoints teamed up for a Twitter chat about managing arthritis in the workplace, the entire arthritis community benefits from sharing experiences and knowledge.
Eleven percent of fibro patients in a new study reported having all of the symptoms consistent with patient-reported versions of a set of common criteria for axial spondyloarthritis.
In new ArthritisPower research, patients ranked fatigue, physical function, pain intensity, pain interference, and joint stiffness as the symptoms most important to track.
For many patients, side effects worsened right after the MTX dose.