These comments can be insensitive or downright thoughtless, so think twice before you make them.
If you’re taking a blood thinner medication, it’s because you have an underlying health issue that makes you high risk for coronavirus complications.
Patients on immunosuppressing biologic infusions have concerns over whether to keep upcoming appointments. Here’s what you need to know.
Despite some uncertainty, many clinicians are now saying that acetaminophen is the safest choice if you develop a fever and COVID-19 symptoms at this time.
Jessica Schantz has ankylosing spondylitis and asthma and has had two bouts of pneumonia in the last six months. Now she has a new battle to fight: COVID-19.
It is possible to eat nutritious, anti-inflammatory meals on a limited amount of pantry food and a limited budget. Here’s how.
‘All of a sudden, it dawned on all of us that our lives as we knew it were over, indefinitely, and we snapped. Everything we used to do was out the window.’
This can help people whose health is threatened by the nation’s panic buying.
We’ve all seen photos of lines winding around stores, empty shelves, and panic buying. It’s a scary time — particularly for those on the front lines like my son, who is a supermarket cashier. For teen workers with underlying health issues, it’s even more complicated.
Please. Think of me. Think of my son.