Dealing with these conditions can be difficult enough without the added stress of losing your hair. Luckily, any loss is usually temporary. Here’s how to safeguard your strands.
Up to 30 percent of people with psoriasis will go on to develop PsA and 85 percent of people with PsA also have skin psoriasis.
There’s a known link between psoriatic arthritis and heart disease, but research suggests that higher disease activity is strongly linked with greater risk.
Many people do not suspect arthritis as a cause of their back pain, even though arthritis in the back is very common.
PsA patients who continue to struggle with their skin fare significantly worse than those who only have joint pain, according to a new study.
Yes, although it’s not common.
Tremfya, already approved for psoriasis, inhibits an immune system protein called IL-23 that can lead to inflammation.
Approved in 2019 for moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, the drug may offer an oral alternative to infused or injected biologics.
In a ‘head-to-head’ clinical trial, Cosentyx, an IL-17 inhibitor, cleared skin better than Humira and it did just as well treating joint problems.
Thanks to the coronavirus pandemic and a psoriatic arthritis flare that isn’t responding to medication, writer Deanna Kizis is struggling with how to talk about her health problems with her young daughter.