This new type of RA medication could be on the market within a couple of years.
Rheumatoid arthritis affects more than your joints. Here are the facts about common RA comorbidities and how to prevent and manage them.
Restless leg syndrome is more common among people with arthritis — here’s what we know about why and what you can do about it.
These autoimmune diseases go hand in hand.
A small study revealed encouraging news for patients whose rheumatoid arthritis didn’t respond to medications such as biologics.
Your fatigue might be a sign that you have a sleeping disorder.
This is good news for patients who are worried about the long-term cardiovascular risks of RA.
Weight loss can be a symptom of RA. Here's when to worry about it.
Not all cases of interstitial lung disease (ILD) are the same.
How well you can make a fist or squeeze someone else’s hands could reveal a lot about your own health.