Linda’s Polymyalgia Rheumatica Journey: From Not Being Able to Move to Moving Others Toward Advocacy
“Tell as many doctors as will listen what your symptoms are and advocate for yourself…Nobody knows your body better than you.”
Continue reading“Tell as many doctors as will listen what your symptoms are and advocate for yourself…Nobody knows your body better than you.”
Continue readingPolymyalgia rheumatica can have some symptoms in common with other inflammatory diseases, but there are some signs that are unique to the condition.
Continue reading“Despite all my efforts to social distance, remain clean, work from home, have someone run errands for me, I got COVID…[for] an entire month before it was all over.”
Continue readingGlobal Healthy Living Foundation poll found lack of doctor advice, unawareness, and timing issues key factors in skipping RSV vaccine.
Continue readingRheumatologist Dr. Jeffrey Curtis shares how the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) integrative treatment guideline for rheumatoid arthritis may prompt lifestyle changes for some patients.
Continue reading“In the past, I used to go all out with Christmas and other holidays. However, my diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis has made me adopt a simpler approach. Though, admittedly, it’s not entirely by choice.”
Continue reading“Maybe I need to look at fall differently though. Maybe instead I should see it as a time to focus on some of the themes of the season: transition, slowing down, letting go.”
Continue reading“I had no awareness that occupational therapists could help address the myriad challenges stemming from my rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis and its associated comorbidities.”
Continue readingA look at how habit stacking can be a game-changer in managing chronic illness and improving overall health.
Continue readingHere’s what our patient community shared about the importance of getting vaccinated, if there were any unexpected side effects that altered their decision for future vaccinations, and what they wish the people in their lives understood about vaccines.
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