A very wise young woman once told me, “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” Her name was… Kelly Clarkson. And I heard the song on the radio and, fine, she wasn’t singing only to me. But for me, and...
These stubborn myths aren’t just annoying to patients who know better; they are risky to believe for people who are just starting to learn more about their disease.
Rheumatologists and other doctors share some surprising facts and clinical observations they wish all their RA patients understood.
RA patients might find these phrases offensive, judgmental, or dismissive. Here's what you're better off steering clear of saying.
In October 2014, CreakyJoints Blogger Kristin Anderson shared her diary where she kept track of a shingles outbreak. Due to requests to run again, we are re-posting. Nearly one year ago, in October 2013, a virus of Armageddon like proportions...