When it comes to wearing a mask the right (read: most protective) way, we’ve got you covered.
Here’s the abbreviated version: My life is just as fucking valuable as that of any able-bodied person.
While most of what we’re all doing — comfort shopping during a crisis — is normal, it’s important to keep an eye on it.
Here are the factors to consider, and precautions you can take if you decide to head to a nail salon for a fresh coat of polish.
And people with coronavirus who had a stroke were much more likely to die than those who did not have a stroke.
Here are the factors to consider, and precautions you can take if you decide to hit the gym to break a sweat.
Recently there is mounting evidence that we should pay attention to the risk of spreading coronavirus from aerosolized particles.
‘For better or worse, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced me to pay much closer attention to my body again.’
Here are the factors to consider, and the precautions to take if you decide to dine out.
This advice from Laurie Ferguson, PhD, clinical psychologist and Director of Education Development at the Global Healthy Living Foundation, can help you practice being in the present in order to cultivate emotional and psychological well-being.