Here are the factors to consider, and precautions you can take if you decide to make an appointment.
Although we’ve mostly maintained strict social distancing and sanitizing practices, we haven’t had to deal with having the virus spreading in epic proportions around us.
Case reports of individual patients suggest COVID-19 is associated with new-onset diabetes, but more research is needed.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently updated its information on high-risk groups to provide more specifics, based on the latest available information.
I could do safe again. I did it religiously for the first two months of quarantine. Time to get serious again.
This advice from Laurie Ferguson, PhD, clinical psychologist and Director of Education Development at the Global Healthy Living Foundation, can help calm your anxious brain.
Overall, the guidance is somewhat similar to what the ACR previously outlined for adult rheumatology patients, but there are a few important distinctions.
What does the science say about these so-called ‘immune-boosting’ supplements? While some are being studied for their role in COVID-19, the findings are preliminary at best.
These regulations have helped slow the spread of coronavirus, which has important implications for managing the pandemic going forward.
This commonly prescribed steroid might be lifesaving for critically ill coronavirus patients.