New report shines light on the health and economic benefits of staying up to date on your COVID shots.
The new recommendations may follow California and Oregon in basing isolation periods on symptoms rather than timing.
The latest health headlines to help you stay informed, take control of your care, and advocate for better health.
Majority of people with chronic illness feel better when they are around their cats and agree that there is a healing effect.
"Despite all my efforts to social distance, remain clean, work from home, have someone run errands for me, I got COVID...[for] an entire month before it was all over."
Global Healthy Living Foundation poll found lack of doctor advice, unawareness, and timing issues key factors in skipping RSV vaccine.
Here’s what our patient community shared about the importance of getting vaccinated, if there were any unexpected side effects that altered their decision for future vaccinations, and what they wish the people in their lives understood about vaccines.
Global Healthy Living Foundation poll shows that among those who didn’t get or don’t plan to get the vaccines, efficacy, side effects, disease flares, and timing were all considerations.
Patient advocate Ashley Krivohlavek, a quarter Cherokee, reflects on the health care challenges her grandparents faced on a reservation and contrasts it with her own experiences.
Our latest poll explores how people with chronic conditions categorize their health.