Feeling Hot from Inflammatory Arthritis

Summertime often brings to mind outdoor activities in the sunshine, vacations, and spontaneous adventures. However, for those living with chronic illnesses, this seemingly carefree time of year can present unique challenges.

Participating in these activities can be challenging when you’re also managing symptoms of chronic illness like flares and fatigue. Fluctuating temperatures can trigger a range of symptoms, from heat exhaustion to joint pain to respiratory issues. The constant balancing act between wanting to enjoy the season’s festivities and taking necessary health precautions can be stressful and exhausting. 

To better understand how individuals manage their symptoms during the summer months, the Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) conducted a poll asking people to share their experiences and strategies. The results offer a glimpse into the challenges people with chronic illness experience and the ways to navigate them and be able to enjoy summer’s pleasures. 

What Our Community Had to Say

Of the 1,863 respondents, a little over half reported having a harder time managing their chronic condition during the summer months. We then delved deeper, asking those who found summer particularly challenging to share the specific difficulties they face. More than half reported the following: 

  • Being more fatigued (68%) 
  • Challenges with staying cool (64%) 
  • Having an increase in symptoms (55%) 
  • Challenges with preventing inflammation (51%) 

These findings show how the summer heat can exacerbate chronic illness. Additional common challenges included: 

  • Getting enough exercise 
  • Having an increase in disease flares 
  • Staying hydrated 
  • Getting enough sleep 
  • Preventing swelling 

Understanding these challenges is crucial, but finding effective strategies to combat them is even more important. Respondents shared a variety of methods they use to manage their chronic conditions during the summer. The most common strategies were: 

  • 71% stay inside with air condition during hot days  
  • 62% drink more water 
  • 57% sleep in a cool room at night 
  • 48% use pain relievers  
  • 45% take more breaks throughout the day 
  • 42% use curtains or shades to block out light when sleeping 

These practical strategies emphasize the importance of a comfortable environment, resting, and pacing oneself. For more patient-approved tips check out Eileen Davidson’s advice on navigating heat waves and wildfires, and Angie Ebba’s tips for staying cool and reducing fatigue. Their insights offer valuable guidance and encouragement, proving that with finding the right approach for you, it is possible to manage your symptoms and enjoy the summer months. 

By sharing these poll results and tips, we hope to provide support and inspiration to those facing similar challenges. Remember, you are not alone in your journey, and with the right strategies, you can enjoy summer in a way that doesn’t exacerbate your chronic illness.  

About the Patient Support Program Quick Poll

We regularly poll our community who live with inflammatory arthritis and other chronic conditions, who live in the U.S. as well as around the globe, about a variety of topics, including how chronic illness and/or COVID-19 is affecting their lifestyle, mental health, chronic disease management, medication adherence, and more.   

We use this information to inform the educational resources we provide and to inform other stakeholders — such as public health experts, policymakers, advocacy groups, health care professionals, and pharmaceutical companies — about chronic illness patients’ needs and concerns. You can participate in ongoing poll by joining the support program here. 

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