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Gratitude Journal for Stress Relief

“I am tired of this.”

In many ways my clients are repeating this mantra, and I find myself saying it too.

We are tired of so much togetherness, so much apartness, so much uncertainty, so much fear.

How to keep managing all the up-and-down reactions and worries?

It has been a week of telling sacred stories. Jews and Christians around the world gathered (virtually) during this time, made their homes and sanctuaries sacred spaces for Passover and Easter, respectively, and re-told the stories of how they have made meaning from suffering.

Maybe that holds a clue for each of us — no matter what kind of believer we are — or aren’t.

Think about the inner and outer act of making some space sacred — being quiet, lighting a candle, allowing reflection. Maybe we do that alone, or with someone else. And we slow down, listen to our heart’s wisdom, our body’s places of relaxation and tension.

And we begin to weave small bits of meaning into our experience.

The way we tell the story becomes the story.

The way we tell our story becomes who we are — what we value, how we hold suffering, how we express love, and maybe even hope.

It doesn’t need to be grand, or profound. We feel meaning in moments and fragments. Only as time passes does it become our story.

But beginning to listen, reflect, and observe is how our true stories get formed.

I invite you to step into a space and pay a few moments attention to what is meaningful for you in these days.

These journal prompts for people with chronic illness can help you get started with putting thoughts on paper.

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