Dupuytren’s Conctracture Symptoms

Dupuytren’s Conctracture Symptoms

Dupuytren’s symptoms are usually seen as a lack of mobility in the affected area as well as a decrease in function. This is usually not a painful disease, but this does not mean it cannot be painful.

Dupuytren’s Conctracture Symptoms

According to the Dupuytren’s Foundation, on average, one out of four patients with Dupuytren’s experience pain or itching in the affected area. This pain or itching is also much more common at the start of the disease than in later years. Since Dupuytren’s is still under investigation and no actual known cause has been pinpointed there are only theories of the reason for this. One of the theories suggests that since pain and itching are associated with your immune system, and Dupuytren’s could be an attack on it, that is the reason why your body sends out these type of distress signals to your brain.

Another thing to consider is that Dupuytren’s can be associated with other diseases that can be causing the pain. It is important that your physician takes all the necessary steps in order to rule out the rest before Dupuytren’s can be blamed for these symptoms.

If you have any other problems associated with Dupuytren’s please contact your physician immediately.