This is important news for doctors and patients to know about.
What it “in sickness and health” really means when you have chronic illness.
Rheumatoid nodules are becoming less prevalent, but here’s what you need to know about what causes them and how to treat them.
Flu and pneumonia vaccines are a must.
It’s normal to have questions (okay, a lot of questions) about taking methotrexate. Is it really a cancer drug? Can you drink alcohol? Get answers here.
When two autoimmune conditions share similar symptoms — as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) do — diagnosing them can be challenging.
In one study, 35 percent of people with RA had stopped working 10 years after their diagnosis.
Here’s why the disease progresses, what to expect, and how to stop it.
Do you need to cut out drinking when you start MTX? Here's what the latest thinking says.
After eight years of coping with chronic pain, I thought I had accepted my new reality. But a nightmarish reminder of what I was missing really threw me for a loop.