This rare type of inflammatory arthritis could be a precursor to RA.
When it comes to whether eating fish can reduce the risk of arthritis, there’s some conflict among different studies.
Once Carole stopped using meditation to focus on her pain, the practice was a lot more soothing.
When you think of RA, you don’t usually think of pain in the back. But RA can affect certain parts of the spine.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can be notoriously tricky to diagnose, thanks to the fact that while certain blood tests, imaging tests, and a physical exam and symptoms can provide clues, a doctor really needs to look at the whole picture to...
Knowing the factors that contribute to RA risk can help you mitigate them.
This steroid is commonly prescribed to help with RA flares. Here’s what you need to know before you start it.
As you go through the process of getting diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, you’ll be confronted with a slew of tests — most of which you’d probably never heard of before. Rheumatoid arthritis and other types of inflammatory, autoimmune arthritis...
A new study compared infection risks among different biologics for RA — and Orencia came out ahead.