Does RA make your skin itchy? This could explain why — and what to do about it.
‘By the time my doctor diagnosed me with rheumatoid arthritis, my body felt like it was crumbling from the inside out. I knew I wouldn't be working as an esthetician any more.’
Why you need to be monitored while you take MTX, what your doctor is looking for, and how you can help avoid medication-induced toxicity.
A study found that RA patients would fare equally well in terms of infection risk with either drug regimen.
A new study found a strong link between taking antibiotics and later developing RA, but more research is needed to understand why.
‘I assume I can until I can’t. I make plans, I book trips, I go to the gym, I live as normal of a life as possible.’
The new JAK inhibitor is approved for adults with moderate to severe RA who can't tolerate methotrexate or don't respond sufficiently to it.
‘Basically, it’s like running a marathon with the flu while in an existential crisis.’
If you have inflammatory arthritis, you’ve probably heard of methotrexate. Which means you’ve likely also heard some of these common misconceptions.
‘I am searching for someone who will be there through my sickness — not shy away from it.’