Living with chronic illnesses can bring persistent pain and feelings of frustration and discouragement. Many of us mourn the life we had before our diagnosis or the life we envisioned but now seems out of reach due to our condition. Loving yourself and staying motivated can be difficult journeys. This Valentine’s Day, and always, remember that you are not alone in your struggles.
To offer words of encouragement and support, we reached out to members of the CreakyJoints and the Global Healthy Living Foundation (GHLF) patient community. Their messages serve as a reminder that we are all in this together, navigating the challenges of chronic illness with strength and resilience.

Treat Yourself with Love
“You are surrounded by love @creaky_joints. During this season of your life, may you find love in all things great and small. May you feel the love of grateful hearts.” — @tmorse895
“I love you and I love me, just as we are. People don’t need a reason to hate us. Why do we need a reason to love us?” — @tinu
“Be kind to yourself.” — @tapickuprob
“Love your body even if at times it fails you because loving ourselves unconditionally surpasses anything else.” — @soy_mari_bella
You are perfect just the way you are. Live life with all the joy you can. Happy heartfelt Valentine’s Day!” — Anne M.
“You are worthy. You are valuable. And you deserve great things.” — @migrainesallday
Appreciate the Good
“Chronic illnesses take much from us, but they give unexpected gifts to us, too. May you face your plot twist with eyes wide open to both and courage to face them. Life will never be the same, but it can be good and beautiful again.” — @crumbsfromhistable
“You can still love life despite having a chronic illness.” — @thrivingwithra
“You can mourn the body you had, but you have to live with the body you have! Feel your feelings, but don’t let them overtake you. Do the best you can with the cards you’re dealt.” — @hannah.in.health

We Are Here for Each Other
“You’re not alone! There’s a community here with @CreakyJoints that is thinking of you and rooting for you.” — Zoe R.
“We are the spoons you need, little or big. We are here to support each other.” — @yhgonzales
“You’re not alone — love can uplift us all.” — @asra_of_night
“On this day when we celebrate love, I bestow to you this very gentle bear hug. I know we can be touch starved due to all we go through but it doesn’t mean we crave touch any less. I hope you get this hug on a low symptom day so you can truly enjoy it. From one chronic illness warrior to another, I’m so proud of you. Happy Valentine’s Day.” — @sfccreativeworks
You Are Resilient
“I must send gratitude to those who created/discovered the amazing biologic meds many of us use. (Mine) has brought me SO much closer to my normal than I ever dared hope for early in my RA journey.” — @donnawayjoan
“Your heart and soul make their world better, no matter what your joints are (or aren’t) up to.” — @christinethomasalderman
“You are more than enough.” — @dada.karen
“Even though you exist in a world where you experience unexpected uphill battles with your health, just know how wonderful and resilient you are.” — @authorjpsummers
“It’s just a bad day; not a bad life.” — @abrewi3010

Stay in Touch with the Community
There are many ways to keep in touch with other chronic illness warriors. #CreakyChats is a monthly, patient-driven Twitter (X) discussion that explores topics that are important to the chronic disease community. During a one-hour moderated chat, we provide a space for people to discuss pressing issues facing the arthritis/chronic disease community. Learn more here.