Your Interactive Guide to Gout
Learning about gout doesn’t have to be confusing or take forever. Download this FREE interactive patient guideline to get clear, personalized insights into managing your condition.
Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have lived with gout for years, this guide has everything you need — from preventing flares and managing symptoms to making lifestyle changes and working with your doctor to find the right treatment plan. Learn how to feel your best and avoid long-term complications. You’ll also be able to track your progress and check off steps to stay proactive in your gout management journey.
With our free Interactive Guide, you can:
✓ Choose exactly what you want to learn about.
✓ Jot down notes to reflect on what you’ve learned.
✓ Plan your next steps to take better control of your gout.
Our new gout patient guidelines are designed to meet you right where you are.

By signing up, you and your loved ones will be ready to:
- Prevent and manage gout flares effectively.
- Collaborate with your doctor to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.
- Balance medications and lifestyle changes to manage gout.
- Advocate for your care and communicate your needs.
- Access affordable treatment and talk about your condition with employers, coworkers, family, friends.
- Understand what gout attacks feel like, what relieves pain, and what other patients like you wish they knew from the start.
About the Gout Patient Guidelines
If you haven’t had a chance to see our Patient Charter, please take a look. It spells out clearly what it means to us to be patient-focused, and it gets at the core of our mission.
There are, of course, many sets of recommendations designed to help medical professionals deliver the best care possible — including the American College of Rheumatology’s clinical practice guidelines. In those guidelines, the ACR offers guidance on “particular patterns of practice and not to dictate the care of a particular patient.” That’s an invaluable tool for doctors to use when they weigh different treatment options, but those guidelines are written for professional, rather than lay readers. For patients who haven’t graduated medical school, the language can be a challenge, to say the least.
Vetted by both medical experts and patients with gout, we hope the information in our patient guide will help you, alongside your provider and care team, navigate daily life with gout so you can get what you want, need, and deserve from your treatment plan.
One important note: The information in this guide should never replace the information and advice from your treating physician. It is meant to inform the discussion that you have with health care professionals, as well as others who play a role in your care and well-being.
CreakyJoints® is a digital community for millions of arthritis patients and caregivers worldwide who seek education, support, advocacy, and patient-centered research. We represent patients in English and Spanish through our popular social media channels, our websites, and the 50-State Network, which includes more than 1,600 trained volunteer patient, caregiver, and health care activists.
Part of the Global Healthy Living Foundation, CreakyJoints also has a patient-reported outcomes registry called PatientSpot™ (, which includes tens of thousands of consented arthritis patients who track their disease while volunteering to participate in longitudinal and observational research. CreakyJoints publishes the popular “Raising the Voice of Patients” series, which offers downloadable patient-centered educational and navigational tools for managing chronic illness. It also hosts PainSpot (, a digital risk-assessment tool for musculoskeletal conditions and injuries, and eRheum (, for telehealth and virtual-care support. All programming is free, always. For more information and to become a member, visit
Copyright © 1999 – 2024 CreakyJoints. All rights reserved. Part of the Global Healthy Living Foundation.
Your Interactive Guide to Gout was made possible with support from Amgen.