Psoriatic Arthritis Wellness Study – Did Not Qualify

Psoriatic Arthritis Wellness Study

Thank you for your interest in the Psoriatic Arthritis Wellness Study. We’re sorry, you do not meet the qualifications for this survey. We sincerely thank you and appreciate your time, dedication, and continued participation in our research.

If you would like to participate in more studies like this one, please consider joining ArthritisPower, the first ever patient-led, patient generated research registry for people with autoimmune arthritis and related conditions.

You can make a difference in the fight against autoimmune arthritis and related conditions. Here’s how:

  • Track your symptoms and treatments – Keep tabs on your health with tracking tools on your PC or smartphone.

  • View your data over time – Empower yourself with personal data to better understand your symptoms.

  • Share your information with your doctor – Get customized reports that summarize all the information you have logged.

  • Make a difference – Help researchers better understand how different treatments work for different people.


Principal investigator of this study is:

W. Benjamin Nowell, PhD

Co-principal investigator of this study is:

Shilpa Venkatachalam, PhD, MPH


Please let us know if you have any questions about the assessments or participating in the study. Email us at or call us at 1-845-348-0400.


For research:

Ben Nowell, Principal Investigator, ArthritisPower Patient-Powered Research Network


 By mail:

Study Subject Adviser

Advarra IRB

6940 Columbia Gateway Drive, Suite 110

Columbia, MD 21046

  • or call toll free: 877-992-4724

  • or by email: