About CreakyJoints

About CreakyJoints

Mission Statement: Our mission at CreakyJoints® is to inspire, empower, and support arthritis patients to put themselves at the center of their care by providing evidence-based education and tools that help them make informed decisions about the daily and long-term management of arthritis and other rheumatic diseases. We want to live our lives, despite our arthritis.


What We Do at CreakyJoints: CreakyJoints is an international, digital community for millions of arthritis patients and caregivers worldwide who seek education, support, advocacy, and patient-centered research. All of our programming and services are always provided free of charge. CreakyJoints never asks patients for donations.

  • Education: Constantly updated and informed by the latest research, our educational articles and comprehensive patient guidelines help newly diagnosed and experienced patients as well as caregivers understand their diagnosis, symptoms, and traditional and complementary treatment options. We also provide advice regarding how to communicate effectively with health care providers, insurance companies, and the stakeholders who write our health laws and policies. Our education is available on our website, via our social media channels, and from our extensive podcast library.
  • Support: Through our interactive social media channels, CreakyJoints members can directly connect with the arthritis community and ask questions of health care professionals who participate in regularly scheduled webinars and #CreakyChats. Visit us on Twitter (@CreakyJoints), FacebookYouTube, and Instagram (@Creaky_Joints, @CreakyJoints_Esp) for a 24/7 hive of positive support.
  • Advocacy: We believe that patients need to participate in all conversations that relate to our access to treatment, safety, or the quality of our care. Through our 50-State Network, we train and help patients living with any diagnosed, chronic illness to amplify their voice and add their personal perspective to health policy discussions happening in Washington, D.C., the state capitals, hearing rooms, regulatory meetings, and other public forums. Whether adding your name to a petition, speaking in front of lawmakers, or contributing an opinion article to your local newspaper, we invite you to join our network to influence the future of health care in the United States.
  • Patient-Centered Research: Created by CreakyJoints and supported by additional public-private partnership support, ArthritisPower is the first-ever patient-centered research registry for joint, bone, and inflammatory skin conditions. The free ArthritisPower mobile and desktop application allows patients to track and share their symptoms and treatments while also participating in voluntary research studies in a secure and accessible manner. ArthritisPower Patient Governors serve as gatekeepers for researchers who seek to access registry data or solicit the community to participate in unique, voluntary studies. Since 2016, nearly 150 ArthritisPower studies were published in peer-reviewed journals or presented at major medical domestic or international medical meetings as abstracts or posters, in partnership with major universities, research institutions, and industry. To learn more and join ArthritisPower, visit www.ArthritisPower.org.


About Global Healthy Living Foundation: As the parent organization to CreakyJoints, the Global Healthy Living Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for people living with chronic illnesses (such as arthritis, osteoporosis, migraine, psoriasis, and cardiovascular disease) by advocating for improved access to health care at the community, state, and federal levels, and amplifying education and awareness efforts within its social media framework. GHLF is also a staunch advocate for vaccines. GHLF never asks the public for donations. Visit www.GHLF.org for more information.